Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Getting Started

In an effort to better learn the game and tricks-of-the-GM-trade, I’d like to try a play-by-post series of adventures with Star Wars Edge of the Empire. I'd love to be joined by others willing to try it out and put up with my experiment, giving a little preference to fellow newbies who are also learning the system. :)

Here are a few ground rules for the upcoming game (that I've heavily borrowed from Paul Flowers in a similar play-by-post session):
1) Rule of Cool is in play. I’m more interested in learning, experimenting, having fun, and watching the story progress with everyone enjoying their role in the game than I am creating a strict, by-the-book game, or following a script. I’ll call for rolls as things get going and as things need to be done, but, by and large, if you write an awesome scene/action/reaction, then we'll roll with it. 
2) This is a story for everyone. This is PG-13 just like the movies and animated series. It is based on sci-fi/fantastic cinematic violence without getting over-the-top gory or inappropriate. I'm open for almost anything from Canon with some Legends and Expanded Universe stuff (like you'd find on Wookieepedia), and we'll even allow other closely related sci-fi elements that fit well with the story.
3) This is everyone’s story. I'll be joined primarily by a few specific players for most encounters and adventures, but it would be fun and helpful to get feedback, suggestions on plot ideas, themes, or just about anything! It might even be fun to allow for short-term guest contributions for non-player characters. Bring it any way you want and let’s write this story together!
4) I'll post a scenario once or twice a week. Players can discuss their options, discuss the rules, and ask questions behind the scenes (like a private group chat) and then will comment on the public thread with their character's official actions and dialogue. I'll respond with GM actions, reactions to the PCs, NPC actions, and we'll work collaboratively back-and-forth until a natural transition to the next major scene.
5) Mostly Edge of the Empire. To keep from getting spread too thin and distracted, and to make for a lower barrier of entry for newbies, I'd like to keep this first session focused mostly on the Edge of the Empire. We'll be fine with stuff from various other publications and some unofficial species, but we will start somewhat small and grow as we can handle it. :)

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